CBD Hemp Original Oil Tincture in Pakistan

CBD Hemp Original Oil, The oil is cold-pressed from Czech hemp seeds, and a broad-spectrum extract from Czech hemp flowers is added to it, which, in addition to CBD, also contains other medicinal cannabinoids such as CBG and CBN. For the best possible consistency, the oil is mixed in a special ultrasonic homogenizer. The whole process takes place at low temperatures so that all medicinal substances remain undamaged and the natural plant bonds of hemp are preserved. To increase the effects, the oil is irradiated for several days with pyramidal energy in the pyramid of Čižice near Pilsen.

Dosage and method of use:

Recommended dosage

Weight number of drops/day

20 kg – 1 drop

30 kg – 2 drops

40 kg – 2 drops

50 kg – 3 drops

60 kg – 3 drops

70 kg – 4 drops

80 kg – 4 drops

90 kg – 5 drops

100 kg – 5 drops

110 – 5 drops

120 kg – 6 drops

If you do not register the desired effects after a week of use, the dose can be increased.

It is taken internally either in the morning on an empty stomach or in the evening before going to bed.

Vargas Organics CBD oil cannot be overdosed, in case of excessive consumption, the body will excrete the excess and not use it, similar to what happens with vitamins.

There are no known side effects.

This product is not a drug and is not a substitute for medication prescribed by a doctor.

Vargas Organics CBD oil contains:

a wide spectrum of vitamins, mostly A, D, E

essential fatty acids in an ideal ratio – Omega 6 and Omega 3

a high content of iron, magnesium, manganese, zinc, and phosphorus

does not contain prohibited narcotic substances and has no intoxicating effects. They are also suitable for small children






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